Big 5 Personality Test

Take our big 5 personality test below to learn more about your personality traits.

Our exam is 100% free, requires no registration, and will give you accurate results on your specific personality traits.

Start Your Big 5 Personality Test

Take the 50 question test and see what you can learn about your personality.

What is the Big 5 Personality Test?

The big five personality test is a type of personality test that is based on the big five model that describes human personality using five personality traits. Those five personality traits are:

  1. Openness
  2. Conscientiousness
  3. Extraversion
  4. Agreeableness
  5. Neuroticism

This type of personality test is also known as the OCEAN personality test (because of the acronym of the above traits) or the big five test.

The test will ask you certain questions and you will be required to answer each question between 2 extremes. There is not a set number of minutes to complete the exam.

At the end of the exam, you will be assigned a score for each of the 5 personality traits described above.

Example Question:

I am the life of the party

  • Very Accurate
  • Moderately Accurate
  • Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate
  • Moderately Inaccurate
  • Very Inaccurate

This type of personality test is popular in the corporate world. Companies like to administer the big 5 personality traits test to prospective employees so they can try to predict job satisfaction, performance, trainability, and create a model of personality.

There are no right or wrong answers on this exam. You should answer each question honestly for the best results.

An image showing an overview of the big 5 personality test

Big 5 Personality Traits

As mentioned above, this type of personality test looks at five areas of your personality – openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism.


This area of the test refers to your emotional stability and overall moodiness. If you score a high percentage, you may experience higher stress, anxiety, emotional outbursts, and worry more than those who score lower in this section.


Your agreeableness relates to your altruistic and kind behaviors and tendencies. If you score high in this section, you are likely viewed as an open-hearted person who can empathize and care deeply for those around you. A lower score indicates a more individualistic mindset.


This section of the test refers to how much you enjoy speaking to others or being the center of attention. If you score high in this area, you may want to be someone who captivates others and loves communicating with many people at once. A lower score means you like smaller group settings.


Your conscientiousness is how attentive you are to things that you do. If you score high in this section, you likely are always prepared and turn in your work early while doing it well and in great detail. If you score lower, you may be more focused on your inside world rather than what is going on around you.


The openness to experience area of the test directly relates to how you interpret and think about the world around you. If you score high, you are more likely to be accepting of ideas and opinions that go against your beliefs. A lower score may indicate that you are more close-minded.

While it may seem like some of the results are “bad” or “negative”, no one result is better than another. All 5 traits create dimensions of your personality.

It simply shows you how your brain functions and things that you should be aware of, especially to know what work or school environment you are best suited for and how you interact with others.

How to Take the Exam

This type of examination asks individuals to rate how accurate a statement is to them. It is important to make sure you are honest on this test to get the most honest personality descriptions. Just like all personality tests, there are no right or wrong answers.

Here are some things to keep in mind when taking the exam:

  • There is no time limit.
  • There are no right or wrong answers.
  • Answer all questions.
  • Be honest, do not try and “game” the exam.
  • Answer the questions based on how you feel in the current moment.

Many people think a personality test is similar to the Wonderlic test – this is not true. The Wonderlic has right and wrong answers while a personality test will not have right or wrong answers.

Gianni Evangelisti
Gianni has been working in the test prep industry for 6+ years. Gianni has created test prep materials across multiple different exam categories.