Free CritiCall Practice Test

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All CritiCall Practice Tests

Listed below are all of our CritiCall practice exams. This test can be difficult for individuals who are unprepared. Make sure you are ready by taking a practice exam below. Recommended Course Badge

Our Recommended CritiCall Prep Course

If you are serious about passing your CritiCall test, try our recommended CritiCall Prep Course.

What Does the CritiCall Test Consist Of?

The test is comprised of 23 modules in total but job candidates are only tested on those which are relevant to the job matching their application. The most common skills that will be tested are:

  • Reading
  • Hearing
  • Writing
  • Map Reading
  • Troubleshooting Simulated Emergency Situations

Each version of the CritiCall dispatcher test is designed with a specific job in mind. Call centers would be tested on memory, prioritization, and the ability to clearly communicate instructions.

Dispatcher testing would be more focused on math, map reading, and the ability to provide directions.

It’s important that you consider which job you’re applying to before deciding on a study regimen. Let’s take a closer look at some of the layouts that you can expect to encounter.

Common Questions Found on All Versions

These types of questions will be found on all versions of the CritiCall test.

Decision-Making Skills

These questions will display a detailed scenario on the screen and your job is to provide a response. You only have 15 seconds to make this decision so you have to be prepared. To add even more pressure, these scenarios will pop up randomly while you’re working on other sections of the test. The idea is to assess your ability to quickly switch gears and handle an emergency.

You’ll have to choose the correct agency to handle the scenario. The options are as follows:

  • Police Department: If there is a crime happening or another individual is threatening to harm another person.
  • Fire Department: If there is a fire in progress or someone is trapped and needs to be rescued.
  • EMS: If there is an emergency medical situation that requires intervention from a medical professional.
  • Utility: If a scenario involves broken or malfunctioning public infrastructure. For instance, a major water leak being reported would fall under this category.

These questions can also come in verbal forms, thus requiring you to provide the instructions vocally.

Data Entry Skills

You’ll be presented with information on-screen and given the task of typing it accurately into another field on the screen. Most data is straight-forward but there are scenarios where the data requires you to extract specific information.

Alone, this section isn’t too bad but you will be interrupted with “emergency” calls that test your decision-making skills. When those are done, you’ll be expected to keep working on data entry – this is designed to test your ability to enter data accurately while also juggling emergencies.

There are some cases where you’ll have to listen to data recorded on an emergency call and type in relevant information while listening. More notably, you’ll only be able to listen to the recording one time.

Memorization Assessment

It’s important for 911 workers to have good short-term memory so this section of the CritiCall test checks a candidate’s memory under pressure. You’ll be shown a series of numbers or text and then expected to type it accurately into another field a few seconds after it disappears.

An audio section will also be administered in certain locations. The only difference is that instead of seeing the text or words appear on the screen, you’ll be given an audio cue that you’re required to memorize.

Other Test Sections

  • Map Reading: You’ll be shown a map with indicators that show the position of specific emergency units. You then have to provide directions based on this information.
  • Prioritization: Applicants are given different scenarios and have to decide on what items are the most critical.
  • Summarization: You’ll listen to a recorded call and then answer questions based on the conversation heard.
  • Cross Referencing: Test-takers have to find information in an address book based on information provided.

There are more sections but these are the ones that trip most people up. Take a CritiCall practice test above to make sure you’re prepared to tackle this important test!

Important Note: Agencies are responsible for determining the questions on their individual test so the layout might be slightly different. Use this as a general guideline for preparing for your upcoming exam.

Study Tips for the CritiCall Test

When applying for a position as a 911 worker, you’re expected to not just pass the CritiCall test, but to score higher than other applicants. This test is highly stressful and is designed to pull you out of your comfort zone. It’s absolutely essential that you come into this fully prepared. Here are some tips for acing this difficult test.

Take a Criticall Practice Test

Start out by taking a dispatcher practice test to see where you stand. Take note of situations that are causing you the most stress and questions that are difficult. Then focus on those areas in your studies.

Get Familiar with the Test Format

The CritiCall test is different for each applicant so there’s no way you’ll know the exact layout beforehand. But, you can still prepare for the types of questions you’ll encounter. There are actually 23 formats available and the one you get depends on the agency.

While the exact format will change, everyone gets the same types of questions so you can prepare for them.

Learn Decision-Making Rules

CritiCall tests expect applicants to solve problems using various decision making rules. Using decision-making rules will help streamline the process, which allows workers to respond faster and more efficiently during an emergency.

Practice Basic Skills

There are basics that are required depending on the agency so make sure you cover these areas.

  • Typing Speed: Improve your typing speed with practice. Fortunately, there are a ton of free resources such as Sharpen this essential skill before test day to improve the experience.
  • Map Reading: Open Google Maps and practice describing how to get from one point to another through both text and by speaking.
  • Data Entry: Open the phone book or an online database and type this information into a spreadsheet to hone your data entry skills.
  • Sharpen Your Memory: Look up words or phrases and then wait a few seconds before typing them into a document.

With that said, there’s no replacement for simulating the actual testing environment so be sure to take a CritiCall practice test above. This is the best way to ensure you’re ready for the big day.

Criticall Test Scoring

Each section of the CritiCall test is scored independently and applicants must score at least 70% on every section in order to qualify for the job. If you score under 70% on even one section, your application will be rejected and you’ll have to reapply.

CritiCall Test FAQs

911 workers have a lot of responsibilities in regards to public safety so it’s important that agencies hire only the most qualified individuals.

The CritiCall test is developed in a way to ensure that only the best candidates get through. Each agency sets strict requirements and the goal of the test ensures that the candidate meets these requirements.

Every agency has its own policies regarding retesting and the number of times applicants are allowed to reapply.

With that said, if you fail the test, then you can expect your application to be terminated so you’ll have to reapply and go through the whole process again in order to retake the test.

It takes two to three months to go through the entire hiring process. Once your application is processed, you are sent an email that requests you to schedule your CritiCall test.

Gianni Evangelisti
Gianni has been working in the test prep industry for 6+ years. Gianni has created test prep materials across multiple different exam categories.